Wednesday, June 13, 2012

In which we discuss the A word…

You thought I had gone off the deep end and was going to start cussing didn’t ya?   No, never fear…the A word in this case in adoption (I considered using the “F” word instead for foster care but I didn’t want to give anyone a heart attack!)

It has been an interesting journey from when I first felt the call to do foster care and older child adoption.  The farmer was not there even a little but my heart burned with it…I couldn’t get it out of my mind.   I often tease the farmer when he doesn’t give me my way:

“I am just going to tell my Daddy!”

And truth be told that is exactly what I do.  I whine to God about everything, not because I don’t reverence Him (I do) and not because I think He will give me whatever I want if I ask in just the right way (I don’t) but because the Bible tells us that we have been adopted and we have received the spirit of Abba.   He is a Father and He cares.  He cares about the little things and He cares about the big things…it’s even okay to tattle!

There were two things I knew during that time when the farmer and I didn’t see quite eye to eye 1.  This was too big to do without both of us totally sold on the idea and 2.  the only way the farmer was going to change his mind was if Abba stepped in and changed his heart on the matter.  He is way too stubborn!

So I stopped talking about it and just prayed. 

Our foster care license was approved on the 14th of this month.   Little ones come into our care officially in just a little while and if all goes as planned this will be their forever home. The farmer and I are having the time of our lives.

I won’t pretend that I am not tired, overwhelmed and little frightened but I know Abba knows where we are going and His promises are true.  By His grace we will make it even if we do have a few bags under our eyes!

1 comment:

  1. You and the farmer are very special people... May His blessings follow you always.


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